Zodiac Infosolec


Survey Services

    Zodiac Infosolec is the best for DGPS Survey Services in India. This survey is used for the improved location accuracy, in the range of operations of each system, these surveys are constantly correct to the sub-centimetre level.   Each DGPS
  • Drone Survey
    We have gather vast experience in drone survey this survey system can provide more precise survey data with a minimum cost. Processing all the acquired images took only a few hours, generating complete Arial Image of the entire region. These
  • Revenue Plot Marking
    Are you looking for Revenue Plot Survey Services in India? You are in the right place. Our company is the best for these services. We have been working in this field for years. We understand the needs and requirements of our customers and ensure
  • Topographic Survey
    If you are looking for Topographic survey services, you are in the right place. Our company Zodiac Infosolec is the best for these services. The Topographic Survey locates all surface features of a property and depicts all-natural features and
  • Underground Mine  Survey
    Underground Mine Survey : as we provide multiple solution under the same roof we provide the best survey solution for  Underground Mine also. We provide the right mine survey services to assist the progression of your mining project. Therefore,

Mapping Services

  • Cadastral Mapping
    Zodiac Infosolec has made a huge name in the market as the best Revenue plot Mapping service in West Bengal, India. Revenue Plot Mapping is the process that which lands parcels are made for effective and efficient land management. This mapping
  • Contour Mapping Services
    If you are looking for contour Mapping Services, you are in the right place. Our company Zodiac Infosolec is the best for these services. A line on the map shows the value of the parameter that is being mapped. This line also includes the points
  • Topographic Mapping
    Zodiac Infosolec is well known for its Topographic mapping services in West Bengal, India. These mapping services are used to identify and also to map the contours along with existing features on the earth's surface. This is extremely beneficial for

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