Zodiac Infosolec

Scanning and Digital Imaging is the conversion of 


Physical documents and images of any kind, in any format, into their digital equivalents. Reduction in physical space requirements and a much quicker document search and retrieval are just two of the many benefits of digitizing your paperwork.


Scanning resolution shall 200/300/400/600 dpi or better as per S.O., raw master image uncompressed and clean master image loss less compression shall be in file format Tiff 6.0 or better.


The scanned documents shall be converted into any of the standard file formats such as TIFF/PDF/JPEG/RTF/ODT/PNG/GIF or other standard formats as per the requirement of the Clients. All the pieces of a single map have to be stitched together to generate complete map. The stitched map should be represented in a TIFF/ PDF format or any other standard format as per user requirement.


After all rectification / robber sheeting of the scanned map digitization work started for native vector format.


We have large size of scanner, plotter and dedicated team that continuously work for our valuable clients 


We are always ready to serve this type of jobs please contact us to serve you better.


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